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In America we have so many roads! In our bigger cities we have many roads that pass over one another. God says in His Word that He has a way to pass over our sins!I Corinthians 5:7 says, For even Christ our passover is sacrificed for us."


Christ is part of the name for our Lord Jesus Christ, God's perfect Son. Passover reminds us of a special holiday that the Jewish people celebrate every year all over the world. It is a time when they remember how God many, many years ago was punishing a wicked people for their sin. At midnight one night He passed through and killed all the firstborn children in each home. But God passed over the Jewish homes and did not kill their firstborn children. Why?Because the Jewish people had put the blood of a perfect male lamb on their door. All those who did not have the blood on their door found their firstborn dead.

基督是主耶稣基督名字的一部份,他是神完美的儿子。逾越节是一个特别的节日。每一年的这一天,世界各地的犹太人都要庆祝的这个节日。在这一天,他们纪念神在很多很多年以前对坏人的惩罚。在有一天半夜,神巡行埃及地,把埃及地一切长子,都击杀了。 但是,当神经过犹太人的家时,却没有杀他们的长子。为什么呢?因为犹太人把一只没有瑕疵的公羊羔的血涂在门上。所有门上没有血的人家,他们的长子都死了。

If you are a child of God, God has also passed over your sin, so that you don't have to be forever punished for it. Why?Because Jesus Christ was sacrificed for your sin. To sacrifice something means to give up something you have that is very precious. God sacrificed His beloved Son, and His Son willingly sacrificed His precious blood and His life on the cross for you! When you believed on the Lord Jesus and asked Him to save you, God promises He will pass over your sin because of what Jesus did for you.


If you have believed on the Lord Jesus, why not read the verse with me again, and put your name where it says "us." I Corinthians 5:7, For even Christ our passover is sacrificed for us." Do you observe the Lord's Supper or Communion Service in your church?That is when we as believers remember the sacrifice of our Lord Jesus Christ, God's perfect Lamb. Will you stop right now and thank Him for suffering for your sin, for being your passover.
