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1. get a move on 这里的move 是个名词,前面的a不能少哦。表示赶紧行动,快点儿走,都可以用到这个短语。

If we get a move on,we'll arrive there before the store closes.


2. jump to it 这是要“跳到某件事”上?咋感觉皮皮虾都要飞起来了?这个短语的意思是“赶紧行动”。

Don't waste time, just jump to it!


3. snap to it Snap大家比较熟悉的意思是“快照”,咔嚓一下就能搞定。这个短语也和快有关,表示“快干”。

Buddy, Snap to it, we haven't got any time to waste.


4. shake a leg 不管是N多腿儿的皮皮虾,还是两条腿儿的人类,你都可以用“抖腿”这个词来催他行动起来~

Shake a leg , the train won't wait .


5. get cracking 表示赶紧行动,立即开始做,快点;

Come on ,get cracking! we have to finish this work on time.

赶紧的,行动起来,我们必须按时完成这项任务 。

6. dash away 飞快的离开,快走;

I'm already late for the meeting, I must dash away now.


7. haul ass 这个词组是美国俚语,用作动词,意思是动身,立即行动。

We'd better haul ass, it's a long way to go.



It matters to this on

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Happy Teacher's Day 教师节愉快

For all the great things you say and do…

The best teacher's award goes to you.

So, smile away!继续微笑吧!

The thing that goes the farthest towardmaking life worthwhile, that costs the least and does the most, is just apleasant smil